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why can t I get pregnant page

Why Can't I Get Pregnant? 7 Possible Reasons

For many individuals or couples, bringing new life into the world is a wonderful and natural desire. However, the fertility journey is not always as easy as you would like it to be. Some people may find themselves getting pregnant quickly after trying, while others may encounter challenges that make them wonder, "Why can't I get pregnant?"

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what is lh hormone effects of it on pregnancy list

What is LH Hormone? Effects of it on Pregnancy

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is a chemical in the body, essentially a glycoprotein hormone that is released by our pituitary gland at the same time as FSH, which prepares the follicle to release the egg, and LH, which stimulates the ovaries to release the egg, ultimately helping the woman to release a healthy, intact egg, and ensuring women’s reproductive health. LH is an important hormone for pregnancy. In an infertile adult woman, the luteinizing hormone triggers the ovaries to release an egg and is produced at a higher level 24-36 hours before every ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle.

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how to track ovulation with PCOS page

Ovulation and PCOS: How to Track Your Cycle Accurately with PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting reproductive-age women. People with PCOS may have irregular periods, excess androgen levels, and ovarian cysts which makes ovulation tracking not an easy work. However, it doesn't mean they can't monitor their ovulation with high accuracy. With some special methods, it's posibble for people with PCOS to predict their cycle accurately.

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does ovulation cause cramps banner list

Does Ovulation Cause Cramps?

Ovulation cramps are a type of ovulation pain, generally referred to as pelvic pain that occurs when a woman experiences ovulation each month and are often generalized as menstrual cramps. Ovulation cramps may be clustered on one or both sides of the abdomen, and severe cramping that causes pain is generally considered normal, suggesting that menstrual cramps do not only occur during the period but also around the day of ovulation when pain is caused by ovulation. It indicates that dysmenorrhea occurs not only during menstruation but also around the time of ovulation when pain is caused by ovulation.

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early pregnancy signs page

Early Pregnancy Signs: When to Take a Pregnancy Test?

Navigating the early signs of pregnancy can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this blog post, we'll explore the subtle symptoms that may indicate you're expecting. Understanding these early pregnancy signs can help you determine when it's the right time to take a pregnancy test

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signs of high fertility in a woman list

Signs Of High Fertility In A Woman

Fertility rates can be measured as the time taken to achieve pregnancy expressed as monthly fecundity rates (MFRs), that is, the probability of achieving pregnancy within one menstrual cycle. Knowing how fertile they are is the first step in trying to conceive. Fertility is particularly linked to women’s health, including the health of a woman’s eggs and uterus. Diverse ovulation test strips are available to help you test your ovulation cycle, and fertility can also be indicated by several signs in your body.

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Endometriosis and Pregnancy What s the Success Rate page

Endometriosis and Pregnancy: What's the Success Rate?

Endometriosis affects millions of women worldwide, causing chronic pelvic pain and often leading to fertility challenges. For those navigating the journey of starting a family, understanding how endometriosis impacts pregnancy success rates is crucial.

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Alcohol Awareness Month How Alcohol Can Harm Fertility and Health page

Alcohol Awareness Month: How Alcohol Can Harm Fertility and Health?

April is Alcohol Awareness Month. This initiative aims to increase awareness and understanding of the adverse effects associated with excessive alcohol consumption. While enjoying the occasional drink is a common social activity, it's essential to recognize the potential risks that alcohol poses to our health, particularly concerning fertility and overall well-being.

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Vaginal Discharge What is it and what does it say about your sexual health page

Vaginal Discharge: What Is It and What Does It Say About Your Sexual Health?

Vaginal discharge is a natural and normal occurrence for women of reproductive age. It refers to the fluid that is produced by the glands in the cervix and vagina. This discharge can vary in color, consistency, and amount throughout the menstrual cycle, and its characteristics can provide valuable insights into a woman's reproductive health.

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